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102 Elden St #15, Herndon, VA 20170 Call Us: (703) 478-9574

Do you snore or have trouble breathing when you sleep? | Purcellville, VA

January 18, 2014

Filed under: Blog — JakeS @ 9:10 pm

iStock_000005058401SmallMore than 30 % of adults have some sort of a sleeping disorder.

  • Have you been told you snore?
  • Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep?
  • Do you awaken in the morning, only to still feel tired?
  • Do you ever wake up at night choking or gasping?
  • Do your legs feel twitchy at night?
  • Do you doze during the day?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may have a sleeping disorder. Let us help you establish the cause of your sleeping disorder.  We can treat it and give you back your sleep and your life!

Dr. Abraham Katz offers full diagnostic analysis of your snoring, sleep apnea or other related sleep disorders.

Individuals with a sleep disorder often suffer additionally from:

  • Heart problems due to the lack of air and blood flow
  • Physiologic problems due to the lack of sleep and of oxygen to the brain
  • Muscle soreness in the neck, back and shoulder from the body flexing while struggling to suck in air during sleep

Contact Dr. Abraham Katz at 703-478-9574 today to schedule your full diagnostic analysis appointment.

Dr. Abraham Katz also proudly serves Sterling, Reston, Leesburg, Winchester, Berryville, and surrounding areas.

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