Dental emergencies are never fun nor do they ever occur at a good time, however the better prepared you are to handle the emergency, the better your situation will be and the you’ll have the best chance of a successful recovery. Dr. Sonia Dilolli is your trusted emergency dentist in Herndon and we’ll discuss here how to handle some of the common dental emergencies you may encounter.
Your Emergency Dentist in Herndon Discusses Common Types of Dental Emergencies
July 30, 2016
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The Health Benefits of Adult Braces in Herndon
July 15, 2016
If you live with crooked or misaligned teeth, you understand how it affects your confidence every day. You may feel embarrassed or self-conscious about talking or smiling in front of others. What would it be like if you could smile freely without a second thought? Besides the effects on your confidence, did you know that misaligned teeth might also be affecting your oral health? Learn more about the health benefits of adult braces in Herndon.
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