Porcelain veneers are an incredibly popular cosmetic procedure for a good reason: They work beautifully for so many different issues and can give your smile a whole new look in just a couple of visits. But that’s not to say they’re the best option in every situation, so a cosmetic dentist will always start with a thorough evaluation before making a recommendation. If you have crooked teeth and have been wondering if porcelain veneers can work for you, keep reading to find out!
Can Porcelain Veneers Be Used To Correct Crowding?
The short answer is: It depends. To better understand the impact of crowding, it’s helpful to think of porcelain veneers like new siding on a house. While the siding can completely hide many imperfections underneath, it can’t correct structural issues in the house unless they’re very minor. More severe issues must be addressed separately.
Similarly, severe crowding puts your oral health at risk and needs to be corrected before you think about veneers. First, it makes it difficult to brush and floss and increases the risk of cavities and gum problems. Severely crooked teeth are also often accompanied by poor bite alignment, which can lead to fractured teeth, TMJ problems, and more.
These “structural” dental issues are better served by orthodontic treatment first. Fortunately, today there are more options than ever, including traditional metal braces and clear options like Invisalign. Once your teeth are properly aligned, porcelain veneers will be the perfect finishing touch.
With all of that said, porcelain veneers canusually be used when crowding is minor and the bite is healthy (i.e. the teeth and jaws come together the way they should). In these cases, veneers will be adhered to the front surfaces of the teeth to make them look like they’re perfectly straight.
How Can You Find Out if Porcelain Veneers Are Right For You?
If you have crooked teeth and would like to find out if porcelain veneers are a good option, start by scheduling a consultation with a cosmetic dentist. To create the best treatment plan for your needs, they’ll evaluate your dental health and look at your bite alignment. They’ll also make sure you don’t have active gum disease or cavities that require treatment first.
After you’ve discussed your options, you’ll have an idea of which procedures are best and you’ll be one step closer a smile that you love.
About the Author
Dr. Sonia Dilolli is a general and cosmetic dentist who loves combining art and science to deliver beautiful results. Porcelain veneers are one of her most popular procedures and she loves seeing how they enhance her patients’ self-confidence. If you’re considering porcelain veneers and have any questions, she can be reached via her website.