Virginia Dentistry by Design
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Eliminate Toothaches with Root Canal Therapy in Herndon

December 10, 2013

Filed under: — JakeS @ 2:47 pm

root canal treatment purcellvilleMost people feel uneasy when they hear the words, “root canal.” Actually, a root canal is intended to prevent and eliminate the pain of a severely decayed or infected tooth. During root canal treatment, the dental pulp and nerve tissue inside a tooth are removed and the interior is cleaned and sealed. Without a root canal, the infection can spread beyond the tooth, threatening surrounding tissue and possibly causing an abscess to form.

Signs of a Root Canal

How does infection settle inside a tooth? If a cavity or a crack in the enamel is not repaired, then a tooth’s interior—the pulp chamber—may become exposed to bacteria that are normally kept out by the protective layers of enamel and dentin. As bacteria multiply in this pulp chamber, infection develops. The leading sign of infection is tooth pain that is often worse when chewing or any application of biting pressure. Other signs include:

  • A discolored tooth
  • Facial swelling on the side of the face
  • Tender gums
  • Long-lasting sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures and throbbing.

Root Canal Treatment Process

During a root canal, Dr. Dilolli anesthetizes the tooth and surrounding tissue, so you are completely comfortable and at ease during the procedure. Then, she accesses the pulp chamber and removes the pulp and nerve tissue, along with bacteria and any debris from the infection. The chamber is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, to minimize the risk of the infection recurring. A natural and biocompatible material called gutta-percha is used to fill the chamber and attached root canals, which are then sealed to keep out contaminants.

At a second appointment, a tooth restoration is placed on the tooth. Because a root canal is usually performed on a tooth that has been weakened by a large amount of decay or other damage, a restorative crown is usually required to protect the tooth and restore normal use. Dr. Dilolli will design your crown based on an impression of the tooth. When completed, the pain and infection will be gone, the tooth will be strong and functional, and your oral health will be restored.

Seek Root Canal Therapy Today

If you are experiencing pain or any of the other outward signs of an infected tooth, please contact Dr. Dilolli, the emergency dentist Herndon residents count on for urgent care. A root canal is nothing to fear. Virginia Dentistry also serves patients from Reston and the surrounding communities.

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