Virginia Dentistry by Design
102 Elden St #15, Herndon, VA 20170 Call Us: (703) 478-9574

Virginia Dentistry by Design Blog

What Are The Benefits Of Tooth-Colored Fillings in Herndon?

June 30, 2016

Filed under: Blog — tntdental @ 1:23 pm

Here are the benefits of tooth-colored fillings in Herndon.Many of us still live with amalgam fillings from the past. Their silver shine is reminder they are there every time we laugh, or show our teeth. Tooth-colored fillings however, are now the gold standard of dental care, and there are many reasons why. Here are some of the benefits that tooth-colored fillings in Herndon have to offer.

Virginia Dentistry By Design is Your Premiere Reston Dentist

June 20, 2016

Filed under: Blog — tntdental @ 1:12 pm

Learn more about Virginia Dentistry By Design, your premiere Reston dentist.Finding the right dental provider to meet all of your needs can be challenging! Besides the obvious concerns such as location and office hours, you want to work with experienced providers who offer a wide range of services so that you won’t ever have to go anywhere else for treatment. If you have children, the office should be child friendly and welcoming. After all, won’t it be much easier for everyone in the family to go to one dental office? Virginia Dentistry By Design is your premiere Reston dentist, and our highly skilled team is well equipped to meet all of your dental needs. Here’s some more information about the services we have to offer!

Benefits of Dentures in Herndon for a Complete Smile

May 10, 2016

Filed under: Blog — Tags: — SoniaD @ 5:00 pm

dentures in herndonIf you’re suffering from tooth loss, you join more than 35 million adult Americans missing all of their teeth and more than 178 million missing one or more teeth. Once you’ve lost a tooth, your quality of life and oral health begin to decline. When a missing tooth is left untreated, you begin to lose bone density, which increases your risk for gum disease, tooth decay, and additional tooth loss. Not to mention, your ability to eat and speak without discomfort is impacted. Plus, your confidence level decreases due to an incomplete smile. Thankfully, you can quickly and affordable replace missing teeth with dentures in Herndon.

What is Instant Orthodontics in Herndon?

May 6, 2016

Filed under: Blog — Tags: — SoniaD @ 5:00 pm

instant orthodontics in herndonHave you always wanted a straighter, more attractive smile but don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of the long-term treatment required with braces? Now, you can get an instant smile transformation with Instant Orthodontics in Herndon. Virginia Dentistry by Design offers an affordable alternative to traditional orthodontics to give you a straighter, more attractive smile. We use a number of cosmetic procedure to instantly transform your smile using the best advancements in dentistry. If you’re ready for a beautiful, straight new smile, here’s how we can help you.

Instant Orthodontics in Herndon

Our Instant Orthodontics treatment is perfect for those who have minor alignment problems, such as one or two teeth that have a gap, overcrowded, or crooked. We can use a number of simple and non-invasive procedures to make your smile appear straighter. For example, we can use dental bonding and tooth contouring to resolve the alignment issues you’re facing. We can even use porcelain veneers to give you a straighter, whiter smile without the need for braces. Read More

Porcelain Veneers in Herndon: Why? How?

April 25, 2016

Tooth chips, cracks and stains all get in the way of a confident, beautiful smile. But the good news is that these imperfections (and others) can be fixed with transformative porcelain veneers! Learn more about this wonderful option in cosmetic dentistry today. Your cosmetic dentist at Virginia Dentistry by Design is in with everything you need to know about porcelain veneers in Herndon!

Why Consider Professional Teeth Whitening in Herndon

April 15, 2016

Why Consider Professional Teeth Whitening in Herndon

This spring, you can rejuvenate your smile with professional teeth whitening. It’s the season of new beginnings and renewal, after all, and Virginia Dentistry by Design offers two wonderful options for a smile that shines like new! What’s so great about teeth whitening, you ask? A lot of things — most notably the fact that it’s the most efficient way to dramatically improve the appearance of dingy, discolored teeth. Keep reading to learn more about your options teeth whitening in Herndon! Read More

If you have Gum Disease, Herndon Dentist Dr. Dilolli can Help

March 18, 2016

Filed under: Blog,General Dentistry — Tags: , , — SoniaD @ 7:44 pm

gum diseaseLet’s chat about gum disease; clearly not one of the most popular topics to discuss, but an important one nevertheless. Consider the fact that a conservative estimate shows that upwards of 80 percent of American adults has some degree of periodontal disease. And while this is a disease that can be treated, it never be completed eradicated from your mouth. Therefore, once treated, vigilant oral hygiene is imperative in order to prevent the return of this smile-stealing infection. That’s why Herndon dentist Dr. Dilolli wants to answer your questions about gum disease—so you’ll have the information you need to win the battle.

What is gum disease?

Gum, or periodontal disease, is a bacterial infection of the soft tissue—your gums—and the underlying bone structure that support your teeth. The disease begins will plaque and tartar accumulation along your gum line. If not removed regularly with daily brushing and flossing, then the bacteria in plaque can lead to gum disease. Read More

Dental Implants in Herndon

March 8, 2016

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , , — SoniaD @ 7:22 pm

dental implantsMissing teeth are more than a mere nuisance—they can be a genuine threat to your oral health, your general health and your emotional well-being. Just one missing tooth can cause other teeth to drift, which can affect your bite and may even lead to TMJ symptoms. Some people with missing teeth eliminate certain foods from their diets, because they are simply too difficult to chew. In addition, the knowledge that people see your missing teeth when you speak, eat or smile can naturally weigh heavy on someone’s mind. So, for a variety of reasons, tooth replacement is advised. There are several viable options, but if you’re looking for the one that is the most comfortable, the most natural looking and the most sturdy, then you’ll want to choose dental implants. With dental implants, Herndon residents can enjoy the pleasures of a complete smile.

For a Sedation Dentist, Herndon, VA, Residents Turn to Dr. Dilolli

February 25, 2016

sedation dentistryDr. Dilolli knows that for some people, just the thought of seeing the dentist can cause fear. Some may even be willing to ignore necessary dental treatment in order to avoid setting foot in a dentist’s office. However, this can lead to severe oral and even general health problems. To help her patients overcome this fear and have the treatment they need, Dr. Dilolli and the team at Virginia Dentistry by Design in Herndon, VA, offers sedation dentistry.
With a sedation dentist, you’ll be at ease while we perform the dental procedures you need. Sedation can be appropriate for almost any treatment, from a routine dental cleaning and exam to much more involved procedures, such as dental implants, root canal therapy, or dental crown. We can even use sedation during a cosmetic dentistry treatment like porcelain veneers to enhance your smile.
Your Herndon Sedation Dentist offers Two Types of Sedation Dentistry
The first and most familiar form of sedation that Dr. Dilolli uses is nitrous oxide or what is more commonly known as laughing gas. During your procedure, a small mask is placed over your nose, so you can inhale a measured dose of nitrous oxide gas in combination with oxygen. After a few breaths, you’ll begin to notice that your body feels light and your worries melt away. As you rhythmically breathe, Dr. Dilolli and her assistant will take care of your oral health. Nitrous oxide is ideal for patients whose fear would be considered mild.
For patients who have more severe fear or anxiety, there is oral conscious sedation. With this, we are able to achieve a deeper level of sedation. You’ll be given a sedative pill to take at a designated time before your appointment. After taking this mild sedative, you might begin to feel a bit sleepy and deeply relaxed. By the time you arrive at our office—having been driven by a friend or family member—you’ll be pleasantly at ease, so Dr. Dilolli can proceed with the dental treatment you need to have a healthy smile and mouth.
Call Our Office Today
If you haven’t seen the dentist in a long time, then contact Virginia Dentistry by Design to learn more about sedation dentistry. We proudly serve patients in Herndon, VA, as well as Sterling, Reston, Leesburg, Ashburn, Chantilly and surrounding areas.

5 Reasons to See Your Herndon Dentist

February 15, 2016

Filed under: Blog — tntdental @ 5:21 pm

Keep your smile healthy by visiting your Herndon dentist regularly.There are many beneficial reasons to visit a dentist. First and foremost is that your oral health is connected to your systemic health. Being proactive about your oral health definitely plays a role in your overall health and well-being. Regular screenings for oral cancer and periodontal disease mean that these diseases can often be caught in the early phases, which minimizes treatment in some cases. Here are four other reasons to regularly visit Dr. Sonia Dilolli, your Herndon dentist at Virginia Dentistry By Design.

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