Virginia Dentistry by Design
102 Elden St #15, Herndon, VA 20170 Call Us: (703) 478-9574

Virginia Dentistry by Design Blog

For an Orthodontic care, Herndon Residents Turn to Dr. Dilolli

January 27, 2016

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , — SoniaD @ 4:46 pm

Good for you! You’ve decided that 2016 is the year that you will do what it takes to have a beautifully straight smile. herndon dentistNow the only question is what kind of orthodontic treatment will you choose? Of course, the right choice may depend on your individual orthodontic needs. There is, however, some leeway. Dr. Dilolli at Virginia Dentistry by Design in Herndon, VA, offers three different kinds of orthodontics: Invisalign®, traditional braces and instant orthodontics. One of them is sure to give you the dazzling results you want!

For adults and older teens, the idea of having a mouthful of metal brackets and wires for any length of—regardless of the payoff—can be daunting. Fortunately, Dr. Dilolli offers a viable alternative. Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners to gradually move your teeth into their proper position. As a certified Invisalign practitioner, Dr. Dilolli works closely with the Invisalign lab to fabricate your customized aligners. Combining x-rays, impressions and photographs with the precision of a computer-generated 3D representation of your mouth and bite, your aligners are designed to methodically move each tooth. After about 12 to 18 months of wearing Invisalign aligners daily, you’ll have a straight smile. Read More

Your Herndon Dentist Wants to See You!

January 10, 2016

Filed under: Blog — Tags: , — SoniaD @ 4:41 pm

Dr. Dilolli and her staff really do enjoying seeing you and your family. But more than that we want to see your smile, so dentist HerndonDr. Dilolli and her staff really do enjoying seeing you and your family. But more than that we want to see your smile, so we can make sure your oral health is always its best. The American Dental Association recommends that everyone have at least two dental checkups each year, and we agree. With this regularity, we can help you have a clean and bright smile, as well as avoid dental trouble.

A checkup with the dentist Herndon trusts includes three parts: cleaning, exam and education. We trust that you brush and floss your teeth faithfully at home every day. However, there’s nothing like a professional cleaning. Our hygienists use special cleaning instruments, which allow us to remove surface stains that might otherwise begin to mar your smile. We’ll also floss in between your teeth to remove any plaque buildup. Read More

Are You Grinding Your Teeth at Night? A Nightguard in Herndon Can Help

December 27, 2015

woman sleeping peacefully thanks to her nightguard in herndonDo you regularly wake up with a headache, jaw pain, ear ache, or the feeling you can’t open your mouth all the way? You may be suffering from a common oral health problem known as bruxism, the unconscious grinding and clenching of teeth. It may not seem like a big deal, but untreated, this condition can be detrimental to oral health. Teeth can wear, chip, and break, the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) in the jaw are used excessively leading to strain, and patients may even experience hearing loss. If you think you may be experiencing bruxism, the skilled dentist and team at Virginia Dentistry by Design can help.

All You Need To Know About Invisalign in Herndon

December 7, 2015

woman with a beautiful smile after invisalign orthodonticsFor years, patients who wanted to correct misaligned teeth depended on metal brackets and wires to shift teeth into alignment. These traditional braces systems are effective and precise, but they don’t always look or feel great. At Virginia Dentistry by Design, we offer a variety of orthodontic treatment options, and we’re sure we can find one that works for any patient. Invisalign is one of our many popular orthodontic treatment options, and image conscious patients love the subtle look.
Why Choose Invisalign
Traditional braces have been a reliable method of aligning smiles for decades, and they are still a great option for any patient. However, for those who are more image-conscious, too busy for numerous orthodontic appointments, or who struggle with tooth decay or gum disease, Invisalign may be a better option. Some of the benefits of orthodontic treatment using the Invisalign system include:
• Almost completely invisible to the casual observer

Why You Should Visit a Cosmetic Dentist Herndon

November 30, 2015

woman with a beautiful smile thanks to the cosmetic dentist herndon residents trustA 2009 study conducted by researchers through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for health philanthropy showed a direct correlation between unemployment and decreased preventive dentistry visits. A 2015 study conducted in Finland reported a correlation between unemployment and poor oral health including increased missing teeth, decayed teeth, and deep periodontal pockets. The evidence is pretty clear that those who are unemployed struggle to receive the dental care they need, but even more startling may be the 2006 study that revealed people who had one or more missing teeth, receding gums, or decaying teeth who had been on unemployment in California for months or years were much more likely to get hired after receiving the dental care they needed. Researchers were unsure whether this change was due to the way employers perceived these individuals, or the increased self-confidence people felt after correcting dental damage. Either way, the research is clear, successful people are more likely to have beautiful smiles. At Virginia Dentistry by Design, we know that cosmetic dentistry is about improving so much more than just appearances. For patients who hide their smiles and cover their mouths when they talk, cosmetic dentistry can be life changing.

Herndon dentists at Virginia Dentistry by Design create patient trust

November 2, 2015

Filed under: Blog — tntdental @ 8:49 pm

herndon dentistWhat qualities make a dentist one you trust . Background, compassion and expertise inspire confidence in Herndon dentists, Drs. Sonia Dilolli and Abe Katz.

Finding a dentist you can trust is an important task. What qualities should you look for? How about educational background, compassion and expert skill? You find all 3 qualities in Dr. Sonia Dilolli and Dr. Abe Katz. Read More

Hey Northern Virginia, What makes you smile?

December 5, 2014

Filed under: Blog — JakeS @ 1:43 pm

I wake up this morning, slam the alarm off and desperately wish I can stay in my nice, cozy bed. Another day of hectically running around children and bosses breathing down my neck with deadlines to meet. I feel stressed and the winter blues have officially kicked in. As I walk into my local pharmacy to pick up cough medicine for my sick 5 year old, the pharmacist flashes me a smile. I feel a bit uneasy as she continues to smile and even jokes with me. Suddenly I feel the need to smile back. As I walk out the door, I already feel different…more lighthearted, ready to begin my day anew. I smile at others throughout the rest of my day. Experimenting, in a way, with this new found stress reliever. As I chuckled with my coworkers and smiled at the bus driver, I noticed something strange…most everyone smiled back and it was exhilarating! It was a whole new day and I felt better than I had in months. My kids were happier and my husband and I even joked at dinner. So how can a simple smile create such a drastic change?

Looking at the effects of smiling from a physiological viewpoint, studies show that a smile can lower your heart rate, helping one to become more relaxed and less stressed. Stress leads to many various health problems and when you smile it releases hormones called endorphins that counteract stress hormones. Smiling can also help you to remain focused as ongoing stress can lead to attention problems. It can relax the body which will boost the immune response to invaders. Lastly, a smile can take years off your face. Read More

Have Confidence Northern Virginia with a Beautiful Smile

September 16, 2014

Filed under: Blog — JakeS @ 1:27 pm

Having stained, crooked or missing teeth can greatly affect your self-esteem and overall mood on a daily basis. If you feel insecure about your smile and the appearance of your mouth, it can cause you to hold back with others. And not feeling your best can often ruin your chances for success both personally and professionally. When you first meet someone, whether it be at a dinner date or an important presentation, that first impression means a great deal and a brighter smile can make or break that meeting. If you feel self-conscious about your smile you may tend to hide your smile, for fear of judgment. And oftentimes this can negatively impact that first encounter, interview, first date, etc. Studies have shown that smiling during interviews and business meetings will lead to more positive outcomes. A positive attitude and air of success can all be projected through a confidant smile.

Smiling more often also affects your mood. Even if you’re having a terrible day, a simple smile is proven to reduce the stress and anxiety you are feeling. Yes, the mind-body connection is an extreme force. Studies show the more one smiles the more likely you are to be positive, feel relaxed and can counteract any feelings of depression or anxiety. Read More

Advantages of Veneers | Herndon, VA

February 21, 2014

Filed under: dentistry by design,herndon,veneers — Tags: , , , — JakeS @ 1:48 am

Veneers can be a great way to fix the color and/or shape of a tooth.

Some advantages of using Veneers are: Read More

Tired of yellow, stained teeth? Get Professional Tooth Whitening | Cosmetic Dentistry | Herndon,VA

January 18, 2014

Filed under: Blog — JakeS @ 9:32 pm

Are you tired of having yellow, stained teeth, despite your strict daily dental hygiene? You are not alone. There are millions of people suffering from the same problem. So if you brush, floss and visit your dentist regularly then why are your teeth still discolored? This happens because the outer layers of your teeth get stained over the years by consumption of beverages with caffeine, soda, wine and smoking. When these outside sources of staining are left to sit on the teeth all day until your next brushing, the dentin on your teeth becomes yellowish or darkened. According to Dr. Abe Katz of Dentistry By Design in Herndon, VA, the best way to help your stained discolored teeth is with one of the easiest cosmetic dentistry procedures, professional tooth whitening.

Contributing factors to yellowing, stained teeth: Read More

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