Missing teeth are more than a mere nuisance—they can be a genuine threat to your oral health, your general health and your emotional well-being. Just one missing tooth can cause other teeth to drift, which can affect your bite and may even lead to TMJ symptoms. Some people with missing teeth eliminate certain foods from their diets, because they are simply too difficult to chew. In addition, the knowledge that people see your missing teeth when you speak, eat or smile can naturally weigh heavy on someone’s mind. So, for a variety of reasons, tooth replacement is advised. There are several viable options, but if you’re looking for the one that is the most comfortable, the most natural looking and the most sturdy, then you’ll want to choose dental implants. With dental implants, Herndon residents can enjoy the pleasures of a complete smile.
Dental Implants in Herndon
March 8, 2016
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